We are very pleased to have received a large award from Creative Scotland's new multi year funding programme. This core financial support secures the future of our organisation for the next three years, enabling us to retain and build up...
Emma Porteous, Project & Communications Manager, Departs Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival After Successful Tenure Dumfries, Scotland – September, 2024 – Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival announces the departure of Emma Porteous, Project & Communications Manager, a key figure in...
The youth project of the Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival has evolved and has been recreated with a fresh take and vision to empower young people to curate vibrant cultural events and refine their craft as arts and creative professionals....
The Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival are delighted to be partnering with Magnetic North to deliver the fourteenth edition of the Rough Mix creative lab. Rough Mix brings together five lead artists, each with a new idea to develop, two...
Young Musicians of DG, this one is for you! How would you like to write a CHOON, record your CHOON and then GEEZ A CHOON as a professional musician performing at events round Dumfries and Galloway? If your...
The Dumfries & Galloway Arts festival is very pleased to announce the recipients of our Support for Ambition creative practitioners and venues awards for 2023-2024. We received 16 applications from artists working in the region, as well as four from...
Following on from the success of their sold out event in May, the Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival are hosting another Gallovidian Gathering at Castle Douglas Town Hall. Join them on Saturday 23rd December to celebrate with a new spin...
Do you have a strong interest in the performing arts? Would you be interested in a rewarding and exciting opportunity to add to the cultural life of Dumfries and Galloway? Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival seeks new trustees to join...
Magnetic North is an award-winning theatre company based in Edinburgh. They aim to give artists from a range of disciplines and backgrounds the nourishment, focused support and production opportunities needed to continue developing and creating great work throughout their careers. Rough...
Here at the Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival, we are dedicated to improving performing arts development. With the release of our Support for Ambition programme and new partnership with Magnetic North and Rough Mix, significant steps are being made to...