We are very pleased to have received a large award from Creative Scotland’s new multi year funding programme. This core financial support secures the future of our organisation for the next three years, enabling us to retain and build up our brilliant staff team, as well as continuing to present great theatre, music dance, spoken word and comedy for our audiences across Dumfries & Galloway.
We also look forward to working even more closely and consistently with our many valued partners throughout the region, providing practical and meaningful support for the artists who live and work here, developing further our year-round engagement with local communities and, through Up Yer Airts and our other programmes and activities, celebrating the transformative power of the arts.
We thank Creative Scotland for this vote of confidence and are especially grateful to our trustees for their behind-the- scenes unfailing commitment, encouragement and support. We are already busy planning our next festival in May, which we will launch on Tuesday 8th April.