Arts Live is a network of venues and promoters hosting performing arts events across Dumfries & Galloway to create a diverse year-round programme. We aim to be a supportive and trusted organisation that works in partnership with you to facilitate the programming of quality touring performing arts in the region.

The Arts Live Programme aims are to:

  • Increase access to quality touring theatre & performing arts in Dumfries & Galloway year-round.
  • Make it easier for companies to tour in Dumfries & Galloway
  • Increase public awareness and interest in performing arts events.
  • Be a trusted and supportive organisation that enables volunteer-run theatres and community groups to hold professional arts events.

We will:

  • Invite venues, artists and promoters to be members of the Network.
  • Arrange supported tours in Dumfries & Galloway, to be promoted in partnership with member organisations.
  • Have two open call-outs per year for our Support for Ambition scheme, underwriting promoters against financial loss to promote quality performing arts.
  • Offering regular networking meetings to connect artists across Dumfries & Galloway,
  • Organise training and support our network in their aims as organisations/individuals,

There will be networking meetings and financially supported Go & See opportunities.

For more information, email